Why People Choose 60-month Copier Leases

There are many options to choose when setting up your copier lease, and one of them is length of the lease. We have been tracking the trends of lease sales and found that well over 75% of people opt for the 60-month lease. There are other, shorter options like 24 or 36 months, so why do people choose 60-month copier leases?

With shorter leases you do get some definite benefits. With a shorter lease you are able to upgrade your equipment faster. Technology is always improving and if you always want the best in your office, then shorter leases grant that ability.

Shorter leases usually leave you with less maintenance issues. In longer leases you will likely encounter at least 1 expensive piece breaking. It requires that you have a reliable technician that you hope will be with you during your entire lease. With shorter leases there is less strain on the moving pieces.

What our tracking has shown is that despite these benefits, people still overwhelmingly choose the longer lease. This is largely because the monthly payments are lower when doing a long term lease.

You also have to remember the hassle that comes when a copier lease ends. When ending a lease it is imperative to contact your leasing company before your return it. Then you have to package and return you copier, before starting the process all over again. For most people, this is far too much work to be doing every few years.

60-month copier leases have become a sort of industry standard. They seem to offer the most of what people want, while keeping hassle relatively low.

To learn more about copier leases please call us at Nationwide Copier today. We have the experts to answer all your copier leasing questions.
